Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, July 14, 2005

What a waste of time!

Stupid college day rehearsal yesterday. Wasted around two hours of our time. Initially, we're supposed to play on the stage, though later on, mr. ang said we had to go to the back of the audi n play there. Damn. As a result, we had to wait for the entire thing to be over before we can rehearse the moving out. Wtj lor. As if anyone needs to practise how to move out. So, wasted a few hours lor. Then, played soccer with some bandmates outside the toilet (erp) and at the netball court. Practised some keeping at the stairway. Alwyn and yi hui took turns to pass and shoot, while I stood guy at the stairway. Some improvements still need to be made, but, should be ready for sat's game! Though i still can't stand some of the rules, like not being able to receive backpasses, and all goalkicks've to be kicks! Wtj.

Bball on mon, tue n today's very tiring. Ha ha. Shall go cut my finger nails. Sorry cy! :p

Btw, yesterday, phy lect. The lecturer only asked those sitting behind to copy lor, since they remarked that they'd some prob seeing. That means we'd about 10 to 15 mins of slacking time, though for some reason, many others sitting in front still copied lor. :p Btw, that paper, prelim 03 paper 3, is available on ivle.

Oh yeah. Some 7b ppl complained that I niaoed them rather openly on my blog. Shall show more restrain in the future! :p

Anw, ws'd to take this extra test during his ns checkup. Those ppl asked him funny qns like whether he's any children, any children unaccounted for, any children aborted. Ha ha. Don't think I'll niao anyone here. :p


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