Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Was totally stunned by the attacks on London earlier in the day. A few blasts at the underground and in a bus. Sigh. It's just one day after the ioc announcement lor, and will definitely dampen the mood. Though, don't really think the attacks are due to ioc, as I do not believe those terrorists're so efficient to attack the c'try that won the bid right after yesterday's session. Whatever. Terrorism must be stopped.

More band pract. Ha ha. Until college day lor. Hopefully. Surprisingly, not many ppl, or very few of the students, know when college day's. Rather shocking, considering that we've been in hci for so long. Nvm. Anw, ee suan and I had so fun announcing to wen li that she's the new sl of the clarinets and flutes section. Quite impromptu, yet we still managed to tell her that word by word, each of us taking turns to say a word. Not bad! :p

Oh yeah. Nice chat with jun rong just now. Concluded that when doing maths, guys're more daring, while girls're more careful. :p

Nice gp lesson today. Comp lab. A rather slack lesson, as we just needed to summarise three articles into a single page. After that, many of us just went to play around, either by going online, surfing the net, or playing card games like hearts. :p Shhh... Don't tell mrs goh that! Ha ha. And I definitely prefer mac messenger. NIcer and simpler layout, and faster spamming.

Really have to start doing hw now.


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