Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, July 22, 2005

Scholarship day

Dissection of rats's fun! Ha ha. Would have been much better if we din mutilate the brain tissues when removing the skull, and if others din accidentally poke the large intestine. :p Ms ong's to eat several mentos when doing the demo. Ha ha.

Ct photo taking today. Failed to get the two cip ppl to sit together, alone, at the front, while the guys finally realised that girls can be very very violent. Some of the girls shoved and pressed on the guys during one of the informal shots, when the guys're squatting at the front lor. Luckily, the ppl behind me, ms and jess, are more guai than some others. :p

Talking about photo-taking. There's a mass session after morn assembly for everyone and the students. Many teachers looked a little hesitant to join in the crowd, while many of them got squashed at the back. Band members just formed two rows at the side! Quite sparstic actually, as not many of us're enthu about this.

Scholarship day. Quite boring, since they used nearly the same presentation as that I heard in june, while spf talk's interesting, but unfortunately, it's not what I want. Then, the talk by the panel of former hc students's mainly a self-introduction session for them. Ha ha. Anw, exhibition later. Managed to get some free goodies, and I'm still quite surprised that the girls carried three or four bags each late into the audi. Looks as if they've just done some shopping! Btw, reception's not bad!

Went for band at six, only to find out that band's just ended! But heard they din play very well... Nvm. Anw, pls come for arts fest concert next tue!


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