Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Great great wk!!!!

Seldom talk about fantasy football here, but this wk's a must... eight goals (so far)!!! Time to thank all my scorers: van persie (2 goals), ronaldo (2 also), anelka (2 too), yakubu (1), pamarot (1). U guys rock!!! :P Barton got sent off for fighting though, so shall expect to see some red color on my team page. Nvm. Glad mu won 3-0!

Eh will update more later today. Kind of late now...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Outings, n a haircut! (finally)

Mon, went out with liysf ppl. Onlie charlene joanne n me. :p Went to this nice jap restaurant at marina sq which's some cool-looking dessert. Sorrie girls if i looked sian that day. Just tired, n sadd that mu lost the nite bef. They'll def buck up! Anw nice to see the london ppl again. Brought back fond memories of 2 yrs ago. Uk rox!

Then tue morn, yc came back. A few of us n mr lee met up with him at vivo (again). My lunch rox. Had veggie instead of the bread in my burger. Nvm. Just some mix-up with that cashier who asked if i wanted "low carb". :p Nvm. Anw great to see that he's doing great, n cool to noe more about med overseas. NUS should've 8 wks of "history of med" too. But everyone'd still spend their time finishing limbs bef the lect's even started, so kind of defeat the purpose. Still, they got to do dissection!!! Haha. Too bad we're in this conservative soc in which many many ppl think dead bodies aren't supposed to be used in our pursuit of medical knowledge...

Finally went for a haircut earlie this morn. Haven't cut it for months.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Football funnies

Newcastle won their first trophy (intertoto cup) in 37 yrs!!! By being the lone survivor from the intertoto cup still in the uefa cup. Gd for them rite. =D They sure come a long way, facing the likes of st petersburg n schalke n other worldclass teams in the competition.

And yes, chelsea could go to a new level. They could get worse. (by ferguson. :P)

Friday, December 15, 2006


They finally changed the colour scheme of mednet. The bluish theme last time's stupid. Original one still the best.

Oh, n two masters of diving showcase their talent to one another here... Never seen more foolish ppl on the pitch.

And penguins are cute!!! :p

Happie 1 wk of hols!!

Went chalet @ costa sands downtown east from mon to wed with fellow aladdean listers. Weather sux, so stayed in bunk most of the time, but we dun mind though. :p Cards, ps2, arcade games, board games all the way!! Bridge rox, had some nice hands every now n then. Quite interesting the way we play. Got one time which 8 of us, or around there, formed power pairings, n there's lots of discussion, verbal n non verbal cues, n lots of "spread the love". Nvm. Played poker too, n this number game which we'd to find ways, arithmetically, to get some fixed no (say 21), using 4 cards. Last to get, gd luck. Er then think kenneth brought a nice ps2, n we played this hero-vs-gigantic-monster game, in which one hero's to find a way to kill a big big monster using climbing jumping shooting stabbing weak spots etc. We each took turns to play, n damn farnie when someone made a mistake by falling down a cliff or requiring 30 arrows to hit the bottom of the leg...

Then arcade games. DDR n mishimashi. :D Think someone took a video of a few ppl dancing on the mats. Mishimashi's just crazie. All the silly games. Favourites inc the wedding cake one, the dancing one, horse-racing...

Think the onlie outdoor stuff we did's escape. (We din play soccer!!! :S) First time there. Wet n wild's cool, n the bumper-cum-shooting-boats're just plain evil, esp when the earlier ppl got out n started shooting the powerful water guns at the side or splashing water from full water bottles onto our faces. Got quite wet though. Hope everyone's well n not feeling cold after that!

Board games late at night (or earlie in the morn). Risk's as usual scheming (madagascar put up a better fight than japan the last time round), n charades's just damn cool. Aaron esp, with his idea of what a farmhouse's.

A great five pts ahead now. Go MU!

Monday, December 11, 2006

The hols's here!

Ha ha. Goin' for chalet soon. Papers're horrible, onlie hoping for a reasonable score for all 3 tracks. Eh glad that chel n ars drew, both dropping pts to give mu a nice 8 pts lead with a game in hand. Yff coming up too, slowly gaining back places. Love double wks!!! :P

Oh, then went for meeting ups from fri to sun: fri with anat grppie at vivo, sat with bmt mates at the glass house, sun with 46 ppl at vivo again!! Open season rox, just make sure u sit beside ppl who dun laugh out that loud. :D Deja vu's cool too, though the time travel part's a little... out of this world. Who noes, in the next few yrs..?

Slept late these few days, dun expect that much of sleep these 2 days. Well guys, enjoy ur hols!

Monday, December 04, 2006

6 pts ahead... first ca, first pass!

Ha. Mu're now 6 pts ahead of chelsea! Yff improving too. Must jiayou after this fri!

So, biochem ca today. The onlie structured qn over, n can't say i do well. Sian. At least the mcq helped me get an overall C (according to a level standard.. hope i remember the gradings correctly.) Now 80 more mcqs to go bef a gd long hol.

Went clinicals last tue at cgh. Nice exp there, esp seeing how dr. gary (the medical officer i think) looked so stressed. Reallie hope we wun be the same in 6 yrs... Took 168 home from tampines afterwards. A great thanks to whoever that's that picked up my wallet! Replacing ic ezlink matric cashcard n money's damn troublesome. Cheers!!!

So, resting a bit today. Will push more tmr onwards. :p