Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Recovery from injuries

Was browsing thru skysports just now. Background info: Jimmy Bullard, 1 fulham mid, had his leg crushed by Scott Parker, newcastle captain, in a epl match not long ago. ACL (some ligament) damage, out for about 9 months. This's what his manager, chris coleman, who was involved in some car accident last time, said of his injuries in an effort to er boost his morale:

"I told him I broke my ankle, I smashed my fibula in 16 different places, and had a compound fracture of my tibia and I ruptured my cruciate and medial ligaments, but still got back to the fringes of the first team."

Talking about being optimistic.

Oh, n badminton rox! Ha ha. Played with glo laura n no no this morn. Fun!! :P Got some hilarious moments too.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Interesting links..

Eh check this things out!

1. Things u wanna on ur comp
2. Eh this one's innocent
3. Nice drinks!

Ha ha.

Monday, September 25, 2006

What hols??

Last wk's nice. Fun lects (like the one in which the lect just showed us photos of er some ppl n asking us to diagnose), nice soccer sessions (more laming around)... Had my very first body test last fri. :p Results're er kind of expected (a little fats to be lost, n much muscles to be gained, esp in the upper body). Went there twice though, first time with irene n glo to do the test, n second time's with john n shaun. Shaun's like so fat-less lor. Onlie around 6 kg of it. Sh... :p

Og outing later on. Kinda surprised to hear that keefe's having dinner alone, as others're all over the place. Met up with him lor, since I need company for dinner too. So was the earliest to reach his house, n we played chinese chess! Ha ha. Can't remember the last time I actually played lor, but reallie quite fun. Then kenneth came, n we played mini weiqi. Oh, we started playing this silly game in which we've to use chess pieces to hit 1 particular chess "ball" over our opponents' boundary. Basically just involved flicking chess pieces using our fingers, pool-style.

Others slowly came, and we watched the movie "life's beautiful", which's quite a sad one. Touching of course, n nice, but sad. Then the fun started: risk! Me got cornered n wiped out earlie in the game... sad. At least quite fun to watch how others tried to er form n maintain alliances with one another. Lots of mvt, n lots of silent whisperings. Then the game got dragged for very long, as they all dun wanna break the alliances (after killing me of course). So we slowly took turns to knock off, n it's down to me aaron n amir. I represented to armies!! Nvm. So in the end eileen n keefe won when they're asleep. :p

Din sleep well, aircon too cold. Onlie two plus hours. Then had some morn chess with aaron (who also couldn't stand the cold), had breakfast, more cards, bef goin off. Damn tired, but still lasted till 2 plus next morn to see mu draw. Damn.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

End of mid-sem!!

IVLE down again. Stupiddd...

Forgot to mention about the 46 med platoon outing last sat. Great to see them lor (chen chen, wei hao, jing kai n chee keong went). (sgt) Vim forgot about it! =D Dinner at subway first bef we all went play lan. My first time! (So get thrashed.. nvm). Din reallie like dota, though always nice to play with human characters (sth which I hardly do). Er chen chen moved back to become coy med. Gd for him! Wei hao, next senior medic 2ic!! Ha ha. Reallie hope they pass thru the remaining 1 yr or so peacefully w/o much chiong sua.

Finally played soccer with the fellow m1s, at least some of them, on wed n fri. A person can onli efeel hiw cadaer but dun now where it's..

Keefe's stayover party. Din sleep muchm dozed off quite a f ew times.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A long long due entry

Sorrie everyone. Din reallie keep this er bloggie up to date. Shall write stuff as I remember them...

Sent both yc n ms off earlie this mth. Do enjoy yourselves there k! No more late nights to go watch epl, great weather (hope it remains so), nice food.. =D Anw quite a few of us went to send them off, inc mr lee and mr remedios. Nice to see everyone again, though er we started learning cilia n centriole formation.. nvm.

Conference on professionalism on 1 fri n sat. Attendance sort of decreased exponentially with time, though many of those who stayed for the entire session were sleeping half the time. Anw eh missed half of sat's session to go play soccer in the morn, bef joining the rest later, and had great fun writing stuff on that smec banner. We all did crazy things like writing phone nos with msgs like "i am god's greatest gift to women" next to them, drawing mitochondria n smileys, writing "i wantS it that way"... :P Anw that's one of the few fun parts during the conference. Food not bad too.

Lessons've become faster n faster, like the heme lect today, when there's lots of writing to do. Anw some of u all may recall receiving a set of heme notes on the first day of term. It contains some relevant info i think, n def has a more readable arrangement. Dig it out if u can! Oh, have been sleeping less n less during lectures! Hurray!!!

Fantasy football. After a rather slow start, was now right outside the top 1000 places (12 sth i think). Wanna break into top 500 by end of the season...

Mu 100% record ended at the hands of ars... sadded. Soccer tmr! First time playing with the m1s. Weather better be gd.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Oh, and some crazy things

Eh went after a car last nite. Nvm. Was walking to grace's house with a few of them after dnd when kenneth's car drove past. It's quite near her doorstep le, so a few of us started running after it. I did not start this thingy lor, eileen n gerard did i think. :p Anw managed to keep up with the car which slowed down quite a bit, but eileen n gerard stopped halfway. Then I waited for them along with the car-riders. They never came, n we suddenly realised we're on the wrong street, forgetting a turn. So the blaming game started, with some being blamed for not reading the directory properly, n me for distracting the rest. Nvm.

Then of course transfers of ct n jm to west ham. We'll see in a few yrs time how these major coups actually came about...

Quite a fun wk!!

Dnd just ended. Reached home like an hour ago. Shall talk about it later in a mo. A fun wk lor, from last sun to today. Had a 79 outing the previous outing at sentosa. As usual, many ppl're late. :p Quite a gd turnout lor, around 13. Played beach soccer (the girls've quite a gd game), had a short break at 7-11, bef going for dinner at pasta mania. Great to see everyone again!

Then schooling for the entire wk. Nothin much to say. Just that the smell of cadavers's getting stronger n stronger from wk to wk. Prof samuel tay getting lamer n lamer, glorifying everything and somehow bringing in ferrari into the context of upper limbs.

Oh, teachers' day on fri. Happie teachers' day! Ha ha. Eh went back to sch late, cos of lessons, n that our biochem rep dayrl read out some announcements from the biochem dept which took up quite some time due to er unforseen technical difficulties. Nvm. So only saw Mr. Lee's head that day. =D

Then fri, met up with the rest to see ms off. Mr. remedios too! Around 10 went i think, inc xingmao. Er went to buy presents with ws. Got the cd rather fast, though finding the wrapping's er troublesome, cos most shops dun wrap external products. Sian. Have a nice time there k! Then after seeing ms off, we all went jap ramen for dinner. A few of them quite pissed that they'd to spend a few bucks on a drink which effectively onlie cost one buck in some promotion. Me n cy got the most cost-effective option, spending a little more than five bucks. We did've fun catching up though, telling stories about nus, ntu, army. But the 9 + 2 arrangement's like dotz.

Then dnd. Forgot all about my tix, though just lucky I hadn't got on the train yet. Eh so met up with the rest at around four. Most of the guys went straight to mandarin though, n not to grace's house, so I'd the er option to choose between a formal (i brought a set), and an arabian head-dress with a dance costume. Dun wanna be so out-of-the-place in the ballrm, so er just wore it lor. The headdress could be used as a mask to cover our faces!! Nvm. Admit we guys did've some qualms over wearing that at first, since we din even noe how it looked like. :p Eh anw the guys lost our way at mandarin, ended up crashing some other party of some sec sch girls. All of them staring at us lor. Nvm. Found our way there, n reallie the girls spent quite some effort on their costumes. Eh so dnd, which's mainly photo-taking, performance n dinner. The dance part's er quite a failure, cos most of us left rite after the last band performance. Anw went grace's house after that for a stayover, since I'd already missed the last train. Cards all the way till 4, n enjoyed a er gd rest till 9 plus, n here I'm.
