Once a guy, always a proper guy

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Teachers' Day!

Ha ha. Hope all the teachers enjoy their presents! :p Played it's a small world today, which's reallie nice! Second time playing it, and quite glad I din screw it up much, since I din come for practices and rehearsals. Aside for a few, plenty, a lot of wrong notes (couldn't see when standing up lah, so just crapped through), all the movements were there, even though some may be a little late. Heard from yk that the class arrived just in time to watch the band. Hurray! What're you all doing before then ah?

Anw, many ppl din come today. Sigh. Don't want to starting niaoing everyone. Last teachers' day still wanna pon. Tsk.

Btw, went back to chs right after the performance, since a few 4E ppl (daryl, kai liang) were already there liao. :p For the first time, saw every single teacher!!! Hurray! Yang laoshi wasted no time in reminding how our class dropped from 1.39 (prelims) to 1.9 (o level) for higher chinese, which made him very angry at that time. :p Quite glad to see all of them!

So now, it's full-speed for prelims. All the best everyone! We can do it! To relieve some stress, like what mrs ng said, prelims not that impt. May affect ur forecast grades, but so what? The guys can always apply us next yr! :p Btw, just joking here. Prelims's very very impotent!

That reminds me of mr. ang's speech this morning. Nobody was listening, and somehow, he managed to bring in proper nutrition into his teachers' day speech. And ws refuses to tuck in his shirt repeatedly in spite of mr. teo telling him numerous times to do so. :~D

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Ha ha. He just moved to newcastle. Think the liverpool fans'll be quite disappointed. Nvm. At least owen's one less chance to score against man utd this season! :p

Hurricane Katrina.... oh yeah. How do they name the hurricanes ah? :~D Just found out liao. Think many of ur names'll be in the news in the next few yrs.

Physics is playing a more and more impt role in society now. Even used in law suits. :p

Monday, August 29, 2005

A crazy idea

Ha ha. For some reason, I just had this weird n bizarre idea to move a class bench down from the 4th to the 3rd floor void deck (some ppl removed those benches... wtj). Took us (me, gloria, jy, jas, jo) like about half an hour to move the bench. Drew many weird stares from ppl around, due to the banging and the lam-bei ness, and was lucky not to get spotted by lee ck and the likes of her... Slight blisters. Then, remembered how marcus and a few seniors managed to move an extra class bench down to the ground floor. Really amazed that they can manage it w/o any blisters (I think). So, we got our bench back, and will be there tmr so as not to go for morn assembly. :p

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mac messenger sux...

Nvm. Just quite frustrated to be kept out of the world of instant messenging. :p Anw, finally got a haircut. Hurray!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Last day of sch...

Ha ha. Slacked very much today. :p Photo-taking, lunch at coro, bball, soccer... Not a bad end to the last day of sch. Very sorry to wen li and david btw for not going for today's rehearsal. Lost track of time playing soccer after sch. :~D I really wanted very much to try being a keeper for a full-field game. Let in five goals, but nvm.

Have to mug now! Now! Now! After settling fantasy football. Dropped to ouside top 500 now. Whatever. Enjoy mugging, everyone! We can all do it!

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Ha ha. Quite rare for me to be online at this time. Nvm. A little puzzled to see words like "misunderstandings", "childish comments" and "unhappiness" on the class blog. What's going on ah? For the first time, I'm really really puzzled, not knowing anything. Nvm. Have to mug! Quite tired. Sian. Balancing between mugging n resting's to be perfect now.

Anw, a great start to my fantasy football season! Think this'll tell u why:


Not bad, right? Ranked 76th overall for a while. :p

Btw, taking candid shots of the class is fun! Reminds me of last yr's tag attachment, when yu sin n I'd go around n taking shots of those scientists at work. Anw, just a few:

Guys juggling

All hell broke loose during ct period yesterday. Try and locate the missing balls that're being "juggled".

Girls on bus

Ha ha. The girls on the bus to ps yesterday afternoon. Guess where wj's! Should be rather obvious...

More photos taken liao. Don't worry if any of your photos aren't online now. Cos after prelims or a-levels, a few of you may not be able to access the class blog anymore if I put all the photos (around 80 so far) there. :p Will find other ways of uploading.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Kp rox!

Ha ha. Great movie! :p

Friday, August 19, 2005

Tired... again

Ha ha. Headache's terrible. Efficiency greatly decreased. Nvm. Went for band today. Audtions for teacher's day. It's a small world rox! :p

Not in the blogging mood now. Just wanna say that it's rather boring playing fantasy football alone, though u can challenge urself against the top ppl worldwide. :p Starting to feel that the 100 salary cap's not bad when you get used to it.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Ha ha. Went useic with a few others this afternoon. All the catalogues're rather old, but still provide some gd reading. Can't say that I've learnt much from them, but at least I've a better idea. Anw, we all had some fun there by checking out... interesting courses, like religion. Got told off by the librarian for making some noise. Nvm. Btw, the five of us who left the latest (me, ws, wj, jas, jy) went to a nearby hawker centre with the intention of buying some gd pastries. Too bad that store's closed by the time we got there. Nice to see wj get niaoed for once, as he doesn't noe many of the more common ones. :p

Have to start mugging now. Have fun guys! Forcing myself to sleep late nowadays...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Ha ha. That seems to be the trend now. Sleeping late isn't healthy, though it's a must now. Btw, played soccer with the juniors, after conceding a quick goal for street. Nvm. Thanks to the presence of a very large defender on my side (the big goalpost), I was able to keep a clean sheet! Not bad. Btw, ws and i went to the stem cell talk later. Irene w, the bio s ppl n some others're there too. Just couldn't help but dozed off, which I'm very inclined to blame it on some guy sitting beside me who regularly goes into another world of fantasy n dreams during classes. :p

Start mugging now. Have fun doing so, everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Drastic change

K. Shall pretend that no one'd read the stuff I wrote below. Need somewhere to store my thoughts... Nice hook, right? :p

Made a very very impt decision yesterday. Got recommended by parents to take up engineering instead of pure physics, cos mainly of the job prospects. Come to think of it now, I may actually prefer engineering. Both involve much phy, but eng'll inc application of concepts, which I believe's more impt now. And, i think i'll like electrical circuits more than subatomic particles (and so, electrical (n electronics) engineering). Sigh. One decision made, many many more decisions due in the next few days. Should I apply for uk at all (us much better)? What scholarships? What and how many us universities? Do I apply now or later? NUS or NTU for fallback option... The list just goes on n on. The qns'll be answered in the next few days though. Have to what, if I want to apply to cambridge, which's really looking more and more remote now... Get ready to remove my name from both oxford n cambridge list. :p Education's horrible. Why din Singapore have a harvard or mit??? Din sleep well last nite, thinking about all this, and chelsea scoring the winning goal 30s from full-time whistle doesn't help at all!!

Ha ha. One whole long para of crap. :p

Anw, final pe lesson today. Most of the class played bball! :p Mr. Tan even joined in. Not bad. Quite frustrating for most parts of the game lah, as I just couldn't score. And I did not get the ball often too in the opposing half, which's my fault. Nvm. Finally scored a few, which's not bad. Whatever. Most impt thing's to have fun, right? Try and spot the loophole in this statement. Ha ha.

Just a reminder. Bio test on WEDNESDAY, not friday. For ppl who're forgetful, not paying attention, don't check schedule, and don't noe for some other reason...

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The last wk...

Ha ha. Watching everton vs man utd now. Think the guys at mr. lee's house're having a great time! :p

Anw, last wk's quite fun, with only 1 sch day. Went to phy symposium at ntu n nus on wed n thur with liming, jy, jas, mr. rem, jo (thur only), ms (again, thur) n kevin (thur...) Ha ha. Let's plot the graph of interest in lect against time. On wed: y = exp (-x), for postive x. We left early after the first lect in the afternoon (after lunch break), when all of us're just too sian. On thur: y = x sq - c, c being a postive constant. Ha ha. The first lect on cosmology n the last one on time machine're the more interesting lects. In the afternoon, however, our conc just wanes off, and some of them just did hw, while others either played hp games or just dozed off. (Mr. Rem not around in the afternoon.) Nvm. Btw, there's this mini arcade at nus right now, and we went to play some of the games, or only 1 game (table hockey), in sch u. Got some weird stares from the nus ppl, but nvm. Lost to ms, but beat jo n jas, Not bad. :p That reminds me. We talked to many unfamiliar ppl at nus that day, prob cos we're in our sch u, n that day's a official sch day. Ha ha. Hwa Chongnians rox!

Contributed a lot to my home during the hols. Removed those filtration slits from the 3 aircons in the bedrooms, which's really really dusty (haven't been washed for months). Sigh. I'm the only one who's able to reach for it. Nvm.

Went to sch for the only day yesterday. Ha ha. We played soccer on the field! Finally. Really a hilarious game, as everyone's just too slack to play well. Played twice, and as a result, "stinked up the whole staff rm". And the lt too, I think. Whatever. Then, phy s. Not bad. Most of us din do the hw, as we all din noe what to do in the first place. ONG JY some more. :p At least we learnt something.

Man Utd two-nil. What a start! Chelsea n arsenal better watch out!

Friday, August 12, 2005

Oxford vs Cambridge...

Too tired to write a long n comprehensive entry. Will do it tmr. Promise. :p Lots of stuff to talk about!

Anw, trying to decide if natural sci at cambridge or phy (pure) at oxford's better. Heard numerous views from many ppl like wj, irene w n glo. Others who want to help me out, just leave a msg at the tag board! Thanks a lot!

Monday, August 08, 2005

National Day celebrations

Quite tired now. Woke up at five n was the first to reach sch this morn. Sigh. All my bro's fault. Anw, national day celebrations today. Think most of us're quite impressed with chs band's presentation, though their playing's horrible. :p Then, the usual celebrations. Ended up playing jamdat racing on my phone (influencing jo n qq at the same time), and other more intellectual games like connect four. Ha ha. Nvm. Joel shaved! Peer pressure can be really really powerful!

Went with lyn n laura to west mall for a quick lunch, before going to play badmintion at gombak with cy. The three of us tried very hard to find something to talk along the journey, since we're all very very quiet n guai. :p Explained the appropriate no. of meals everyone should have in a day, and played cards after badminton! Then, we went to jurong east, but couldn't play pool, so went arcade! Ha ha. Quite an eventful but tiring day. Wishing for some much needed sleep now. Really time to start working hard, esp when most of wed n thur'll be spent at ntu n nus...

Anw... have a happy national day!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Potter rox

Ha ha. Sorry everyone. Haven't been updating my blog, with bio test on fri to mug for, n other stuff to settle. Nvm. Finished harry potter! :p Got the soft version in my comp. So, some predictions: dumbledore'll def be back, snape'll turn out to be the gd side. Not sure of how potter n voldemort'll fare though, but think that in the end, the most boring n obvious thing'll happen. Nvm. Will def be looking forward to the seventh book!

Anw, went to this carnival thingy organised by hwa chong international sch yesterday. In woodlands, so might as well go lor. Desperately need to improve on my putting (25 percent) n bball (ZERO!!!) skills. Ha ha.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Not a gd start to the month. So much hw! Sigh. And quite frustrating to keep on denying, after emphasising several times the absolute truth. Wtj.