Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, April 01, 2005

Finally, an update!

Ha ha. Fine. Shall write a bit now.

Out of phy o! Confirmed today :p. Nvm lah. At least I don't need to go down to nus every week anymore on weds n maybe more days, n can now concentrate on syf preparations. All the best to chan swee n da wei who're selected for ipho! Do us proud!

So, haven't used the comp for three days! Too bad. Tue: class outing after phy spa, where a few of us went to play badminton (after a brief soccer session, which ended when jo just blasted the ball into the inner plaza). Had dinner at jec, kobayashi, which wasn't that gd. Rice's all sticking together, and u just can't say that it's worth seven bucks. So, reached home at ten plus, n packed before having a gd rest.

Wed: band pract after sch. Too bad that from now on, sectionals'd be completely technical: working on rhythms esp, followed by balance n then intonation. Sigh. So, today (thur), for sectionals, we just worked on rhythm for some time before slacking for the last half n hour, which's very sian............

Thur: ice-skating at jec! Ha ha. Have to say, i'm just walking n sliding at the same time, but still, i can at least balance n move on ice! Hurray! Newton's first law actually works! I din fall down many times, n only fell when I started moving faster n faster n faster, n when I skated away from the side walls. Think my mass's an advantage, though it means that it'd be much harder to change direction n brake... One time, jiayi fell down (which's very rare), and I happened to be just behind her. Quite fortunate that no injuries resulted, and i din fall down on that occasion! So, went for fast-food, before going home to mug.

Today: thanks mrs foo for giving us two periods off, and with the subsequent break, we'd two hours to play as a class! Captain's ball rox, though I definitely should play a little less.... violent, in future games. Ha ha.

Oh yeah! Jess n irene w joined us for soccer today!

Mugging rox. Think part of the reason why i din use the comp is that I wanted to finish one tutorial per day on wed n thur. Quite satisfied that it's been achieved so far. Can give up on this for today n sat (epl tmr!)

Bt results're slowly being released. Ha ha. Nothing more to be said, just that chem n phy are killer papers. For chem esp, some classes can get less than 50 as an average, which definitely shows something about the standard of the test.

Sch admin isn't that gd lately. Don't see any point of moving two pple who take chinese ao to another class, from s79 to s76, which isn't much different in terms of subject combi, when a few others who take chinese ao can stay. Fine. It's STUPID! And this comes after assurance by that chinese ao teacher that those taking chinese ao can stay in their own class. Really really wtj.

Oh yeah. Remember 7b's challenge to us? Let's compare from what i've heard. Maths: 79, almost all "a:; 7b... din do as well, from what i heard. According to them, first hand info, 79's a great class (rephrased). Ha ha. Chem: 79, four "a"s; 7b: highest 74.4444. Enough said. And really really great thanks to mr. lee who told us that no one in our class got an "a". Ha ha.

April fools' day today. Not much tricks, just that i couldn't believe that i'm so dumb to fall for their trick that there's band pract from seven to nine at night. Ha ha.

Shall bring more.. colourful... highlighters from next wk onwards.


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