Once a guy, always a proper guy

Monday, February 14, 2005

Good Progress Awards?

Ha ha. Think ws and I should really get some form of honorable mention. Our 2.4 timings improved by more than 1 min compared to sec 4, and about 40s compared to j1.. Not bad, iseneh? Quite fun to lap people. Yet, don't really think that it's a superb timing. Must improve! More soccer! Anyway, wj got niaoed by jasmine for claiming beforehand that he can run within 10.5 mins even when sleeping.. His timing's 10s off. Ha ha. Think that's why joel and he continued to run around the sch even after 2.4.

Crapped a bit during lessons today. Maths tut: attempted not to go up n present the ans by claiming that I hope to have done so before.. don't think ms. ng's very much impressed. GP compo: tried to get some inspiration for the compo by looking at some gp notes joel n jo're already sharing. Too bad mrs goh saw us, n again, she isn't amused. Phy: crapped a bit on the factors affecting rate of change of temperature of a cooling object, by claiming that cloud cover n wind's quite a critical factor... Erp. We've a nice time tossing the soft ball around the classroom! Ha ha.

Oh yeah. Got two pple to sit together in the LT today.. ha ha.

Nice bridge sessions today.... Drawbridge: somehow, I got the queens and jacks of 3 suits, and I always got 9, 10, J and Q of spades, while the top two're with yk. Ha ha. Then, bridge after sch. Tried jacking up the bid. Only had 4 diamonds, with the largest being a jack, but still won in the end. Not bad at all.

Legs aching a little now....

IVLE: uploaded the file already. Hurray!

Once again, happy valentine's day, and happy friendship day! Where're my gifts from my angel and mortal??????


Brillant Rooney! Scored one, and assisted an own goal. Ha ha. Poor dunne. He's superb, though he played a part in both goals: deflected one goalwards, n scored an own goal...


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