Once a guy, always a proper guy

Friday, August 25, 2006

End of a gd long 2nd wk...

Played bball today! Woohoo! With xiao john. Keefe went initially, but left bef touching a ball due to er him wearing long jeans under the hot weather. :p Eh many many ppl came, like 100 plus. Ended up taking turns to play. Er felt some deg of intimidation by the over-sized ppl there. Din reallie contribute much too, though i scored!! Nvm.

1st wk of yff ended. Not that pleased, but an ok start. Hope to make further inroads into the top few positions by next mon!

Lessons after lessons le. Though this wk still rather slack cos of 2 days of first aid. The test's er very very passable cos of the examiners who wanted us to pass. So sch ended the earliest ever (12 plus on wed, 10 plus on thur), n went home for lunch, sth which's quite rare since jc.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Let the season begin!

Ha ha. The first game of epl's under way le, with liverpool seemingly dominating sheffield united. Let's hope all results're favourable! :p

Anw the last few days've been quite enjoyable, as in the lessons. Thur's anat pract's cool, even though my tut grp's lesson's of double the length as that of others. But that means we got to see all 10 cadavers n try finding stuff like veins n intestines etc. Fri pbl. Just glad my grp'd a nice prof, n fun teammates to brighten up the whole discussion. Heard from others that a few of the tutors, like the docs, are quite er unethu about the whole thing. Then met up with my og for lunch at biz, n stayed there all the way, chitchating, playing cards, till 4 plus since we'd some dean's welcome tea at 5. Slept thru it though, n the welcome talk's more like a prize presentation for the dean listers than a welcome address.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Scary start...

Ha ha. So uni life began a few days ago. :p Mad rush to photocopy notes these days, esp when I dun've a gd enough printer. Thus, aladdin printing services. Do sign up k! =D Still, kind of scary that the lib's crowded with m1s most of the time, esp during breaks, like the 4h one bef first aid on tue. My og booked a room in the lib too, but spent most of the time blasting off one another's worms. Nvm. Quite er surprised to see ppl starting to feel stressed out. It's like, the first three days lor. Must conserve energy for the long run!

Anw eng fa sux. Reallie. Banning rooney n scholes's stupid n dun make sense at all...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

15 mins to 7... 8.15?

Ha. Was damn sleepy last nite that I asked ppl in my og to meet some time earlier than 8, like 8.15. Nvm. Our rag rox. Best dance, best float presentation. =D Must be due to the funnel banners n the ppl holding them. :p

Anw, fri nite's a long long nite. After the full-dress we went to crash amir's room at ke, bef walking to shear's hall to dina's one. Then walked all the way to med soc rm, trying some short cut thru central lib n ending up at pgp. Nvm. Go look at the nus map to have a rough idea on how long we walked. Then did some float work, had fun with bridge n dai ti, and played badminton! :p After that it's cards again, till 3 plus, bef being called into action. Got a scare when we knew we're supposed to paint ourselves, even though our face'll not be seen. Nvm. So daylight next, n we moved to src. Stoned there, slept on the track, till the show at 10 plus. Din lag like in the rehearsals, n was damn glad when the thing's over. Slippers broke though, so had to walk back with 1 foot bare to med soc rm n change. Sad.

Went to er olivia's house after lunch. Why so many of my og mates lived in bungalows n semi d?? Ha. As usual, games, dinner, but left earlie. Tired. Still got two tuitions one after another today. Nvm. But quite fun to've like 1 stayover every wk, in sch or in friends' houses.

Uni starts next. Still wondering the way I should work in sch. Mug? Slack? Level of commitments? Sigh. Kind of interesting that we all like to complain about the situation we're in, like in ns we'll all complain n miss sch, n now in sch when we'll dread all the lects n tuts. :p

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Fantasy footie's up!!

Hurray! Finally, after long wks of waiting, yff's back! :p Can't wait for the new season to begin, buying players like ballack, rosicky and shevchenko for like around 6 bucks. Nvm. 79, interested to play again?

Eh so inaug ceremony yesterday. Total boredom. File isn't that nice, event started late, though most farnie to see last yr's inaug video, when the mcs n nussu pres used nearly exactly the same words n style to address us, like "welcome to nus". Reallie keeping up with the "spirit of originality". Float work later, finished the clocksworth costume. Looks great! Ha ha. Din change out of my long sleeve though, n cheryl (ogl ic)'s saying sth like i looked diff, n should wear it more often. Prefer shorts n t-shirts though.

Flag day today. Aladdins got posted to orchard! Not a bad place, though saw quite a wide range of ppl. Got one extreme of ppl volunteering to donate even though we din ask for it, n got another who just daoed. Nvm. Din reallie get as much money as others, partly cos I dun donate to flag days myself, and found it hard to ask others.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Rag after rag...

Ha ha. Basically the last wk's been float all the way. Came down on most days, except wed which's a rest day. Though the girls in my og still came down n sew. Did some sewing too, though it's a failure. Nvm. Eh worked till nine on thur, cos had to be ready by fri for full dress. Tiring. But the qc ppl said that costume rox. =D Anw er rapunzel abandoned their sphinx. So bad lor. Then kenrick (1 of our rag ic)'s to do all the work for them...

Oh, n there's a diff bet rag n float. Apparently rag's dance. Whatever.

Then we'd a stayover at mike's house last nite! (Mike's a m2 btw). Eh 10 plus ppl came i think, got keefe amir jun yang gerard jess eileen grace olivia jun kee roy me from the m1s, and mark cheryl claire mok darryl wen yang zong xian mike from the m2s. Hope i din miss anyone out. Anw started off with playing asshole daiti-cum-building a lego army. King n queen get to win some warriors from the pool. Nvm. Eh then pizza for dinner (had five), bef watching some horror movie. Then watched mu vs porto, celebrated jun yang's bday, and played some silly games till five plus, bef turning in. Was damn tired today, lucky my tutee's tired too, so lesson ended earlie.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So, finally officially a nus student. Cool rite. Matriculation's a breeze, the admin part at least. The maze after that, forget it. Forced to go thru all the booths, even though was rushing to like go sign bond. That means din reallie get to go thru all of them, so have not much idea on like what cca to join. Recreational bball anyone?

Anw sun outing's a fiasco. :p Sorrie for the horrendous organizing. Tried to go to woodlands lib after meeting up with a few of them, and found out that someone activated the fire alarm. Whole place shut down. Damn.

Went down nus quite a bit this wk, after goin' mia most of the time last wk. Had to finish all work tmr, full dress rehearsal fri. Heard guys in aladdin'd be learning sewing tmr. How it'd work out, shall see. :p Anw got ppl still ask when float work'll start online. Think many ppl who've been working damn hard for the past two wks'll have er somethin' to say about it.

Books, books, books. Haven't bought them. :p