Once a guy, always a proper guy

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Busy busy...

Never like painting, never like packing, never like arranging, never like cleaning up. Ha ha. Nvm. Like bigger n cooler, even though it may be older...

Eh so rag day preps. Going well i think. Felt a little guilty about missing a few sessions, but couldn't be helped. Though'd a hilarious time when dina (i think) started the paint spilling by knocking over a green can of paint, n followed by another person addin' too much of black paint on a piece of paper, n me spilling some of it on amir (i think)'s billabong t-shirt n floor. Nvm. Went to keefe's house after that for pizza n some games. Taboo's fun! =D Din stay over though. Hopefully got some other time. They're thinking of going subway lagoon for a few days bef term starts. :p

Anw started tuition last sat. Junior from hc! So qiao lor. Ha ha. Push for a A!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Aladdin industries!

Ha ha. Medicamp's fun! A little sian that I missed the last nite n the last day becos of some interview for a scholarship that's like onlie awarded to 1 or 2 ppl per yr (last yr's 1 i heard). Anw, in aladdin og (orientation grp). Got a few ppl from hc there (around 5 out of 19 or 20), inc jess. Ha. Strange way of grping ppl into ogs by the m2s. Some memorable activities: fright nite, which's damn cool; entire wet games + captain's ball after that; bbq when we'd a nice time trying to start the stupid fire; cooking competition performing the small skit, n listening to a fantastic indian performance by keefe, and many others. Damn tired today, after failing to sleep well on the past few days (not enough sleeping space lor, kept on waking up earlier than the rest, once being sent to collect breakfast since i got up the earliest among the m1s), so din go soccer. Sorrie ws n ms!

Anw starting my first tuition tmr le. Onlie thing i noe about my tutee's that he or she wants a-level phy, n his or her add. Yes, i dun even noe the gender n the age! Ha ha. Managed to get the assignment thru registering online. Hopefully can still remember some stuff tmr. Din do much preparations lor. :D

Oh, n a small note on aladdin industries. My og'd a fun time making a sturdy shield n paddle (to hit away water bombs) for the "queen" using newspaper for the war games. Reallie proud of them lor (the weapons), as they dun bend when anyone swing it, unlike many others. Nvm.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's not time yet...

To sleep! Ha ha. Not even twelve yet, meaning I'll spend more time on places other than my bed...

Wc final this morn. Shouldn't shouldn't have slept during half time. Ended up missin' a disallowed goal, a fantastic save, n a sending off. At least I woke up in time for the shootout! :p Have to say, sad to see zidane sent off in his last game n not able to collect his last medal..

Oh, n yesterday's 79 day. Hope the seniors n juniors enjoyed themselves at ecp. A little sian when so many ppl in the class din turn up, so ended up skipping it too. Just as well, cos I could get enough rest to last thru the nite... i thought.

Ronaldo sux. Cristiano*. Can't stand players who're like so disloyal.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Gd link for med students...

Yeah, the link's on the rite. Would be up in 5 mins after posting this entry. Got it from wenyang's blog, link which can be found on yc's blog. (Yes, n yc's a blog, n so does s79, liming, for those ppl who aren't bloggers..)


Either i slept late or i woke up earlie, sometimes both. Sian life.

World cup's fault. Not that I'm complaining about the goals though, or complaining that italy knocked er kahn-less germany out... Missed today's game though. Somehow I din manage to catch the alarm placed rite beside me. Damn.

Med check-up's fault. Singaporean's ks mentality. I went there rite at the opening hour, but then ended up waiting quite some time with ying liang, n walking arould raffles place till 1230. Got a few ppl bef me though, so some went even bef that place opened. Wow. Should've gone later...

Oh, n I'm now even heavier. Ha.

Post-ns life's been er trouble-free, peaceful, quiet, n reallie reallie nothin-to-do. Stayed home most of the time, watching tv, using comp... Did manage to meet up with a few ppl though for lunch, soccer, food fair. Lateness seems to be a norm for a certain sgt-gonna-be-bef-disrupting...

Sch starts in a mth's time, n I should seriously start researching on the bks to be bought. Heard they're nearly sold out le. Wtj.

Kenna spammed again. Why dun those ppl, dear fellow medicine students, place what they wanna say in one email, n not separate it into three or four parts, n put like 1 sentence in 1 email? A little pissed when I saw so many unread msgs just now..

Class outing this sun. Do try to make it if u all can. How many times're we going to gather together again, considering that uni's going to start, n we're def going to drift apart even more. And can update the class blog? It's dead. Seriously dead. Oh, n the class diary's with me. Who wanna write? Notice that ppl's handwriting changes quite a bit after a few months w/o touching a pen...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

World cup update...

Since I'm watching the world cup, might as well give a short review. Eng vs portugal just finished. Ricardo's a penalty monster. Sian. At least there's still a man utd player in ronaldo in the next match, possibly against brazil. Going to watch the next match, which means later today i'll have a hard time keeping myself awake. Prob the eng match showed how defensive tactics'll just flop sooner or later.

Oh, and i'm pissed with the red card showed to rooney. Just a friendly push lor, not reallie a shove lor. Also, u've more severe tackles given a yellow card at most. Prob a bit bias on my part, since rooney's a red devil. Why did they ask an argentinian referee to take charge of this match though, considering the past differences between these two sides...

Btw, ferguson prob won't mind the red card much, cos it ensured rooney won't injure himself during the world cup...

Anw, looking back on my short stay in 46 sar. Enjoyed the work there most of the time at the medical centre, n loved the type of slacking life that I've had (not typical of any armour unit though). Though've to say, I was disturbed by some of the politics present. Ppl not getting along with one another, ppl unhappy about decisions made by others... I mean, ppl're not that willing to compromise, such as not wanting to do duties or covers, and others've to suffer becos of that. The nicer medics (like me :p) who won't offend others're asked to do more work lor. Nvm. Glad to leave the bad parts behind, while the gd parts're quite memorable, like drawing blood, sending patients, common fear of some sgt major...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

No more pte, now a MR!

Ha ha. So today's officially my first day of freedom, a non-regimental life, the start of a mth of slack. Main thing gd about disruption now's that I can watch all the world cup matches if I want, if I haven't died from boredom at some of the matches (like eng vs portugal now).

Will update later. Second half starting. Got two hours later to slowly type.