Once a guy, always a proper guy

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

One more day!

Ha ha. All the best everyone!

No more soc. Hurray! :p

Four nil!

One of the earliest book-outs ever. 2pm! Totally rox.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A crucial wk up ahead...

Sigh. Next wk shall be busy, both in tekong n outside:

soc, 24-km route march (assuming the oc allows me to jump from 12 to 24 rite away, without doing the 16k), release of "a" results, shortlisting scholarships, writing essays, graduation parade rehearsals, n of course, fantasy football.

So, wishlist this march n possibly april:

1. Time to fly, so I can get out of tekong faster.
2. Get into a slack unit.
3. Good results + shortlisted for scholarship interview (infocomm seems not bad!) + offers from schools and scholarships.
4. Break into top 2000, n possibly 1500, of yff. Must sustain the recent revival!
5. Mu to thrash every team it meets, starting from today, n chel to start losing (ars ah. They can forget about top 2; even top 4's a prob for them.)

Mourinho reallie sux. Sore loser. But prob that's what makes him a hated, but great, manager. Messi!!!

Predictions for the top 6 in the premiership table:

1. Chelsea
2. Man Utd
3. Liverpool
4. Tottenham
5. Arsenal
6. Bolton

Ars to miss out of champs league squad. They sux. Not sure if wigan can qualify for uefa cup by finishing runner-up to mu today, since mu'll def go into champs league.

Enough soccer. Booking in later. Hopefully, can book out tue nite... All the best to everyone on wed!

Oh. Saw one of my officers at conrad too yesterday. Had fun greeting him n asking for permission to carry on. Din salute though. :p It's reallie a small world.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

In army, you can do anything, but don't get caught...

Ha. One of my slackest wk ever. Let me list down the daily events:

Mon: Volunteered for guard duty, partly cos there's a chance i'll do today (owed at least three or four guard duties le), n also cos guard duty means i'll get to rest for the entire morn the next day. :p

Tue: Rest in morn, basic assault course in afternoon, which finished in 25 mins by the entire coy (less than half of the coy took part), n BOOK OUT at nite!!! Navy interview earlie on the next day.

Wed: Navy interview in the morn, which lasted for 10 mins. Was the second to be interviewed, so had lots of free time later to go canteen. Then went back to tekong at 1530 onlie for dinner...

Thur: A long day. Strength training first, which could've been terrible if it hadn't rained. Then slack till afternoon for soc. Quite interesting to see the pti n some of the instructors delaying the timing for soc, till it became quite dark (possible thunderstorm approaching), n rejoicing when it finally rained. Then all the commanders'd a discussion on whether to have soc or not, n the oc demanded that it continued (no cat one siren, which seemed to be dying out lately. Haven't heard it for quite some time.) So, soc till dinner.

Fri: ippt earlie in the morn. No surprises there, failing chin-ups, but just glad that my 2.4 improved. So, my vision "be a man, do the rite thing (at the rite time)", is being realised after all. No ocs n sispec, n can slack for the next two yrs.

Fri nite: book out! =D

Oh. Some of my platoon mates're supposed to go for re-bic (forgot what it stands for le, just leopard- n back-crawling on sand for 100m under real life firing) this sat (today), but the sergeants all don't wanna stay back n do bic. So, solution? Force the recruits to do guard duty today, n the sergeants can book out. Smart rite. SAF reallie reallie rox.

Wed results out le. Which means have to settle scholarship issues soon...

Oh. Regarding the title of this entry, quite true rite? Must learn to slack using official reasons, n not go report sick many times. Going mo's a total waste of time lor.

Anw, went to the uni of london exhibit at conrad today. Quite surprised that not many hc ppl went. Onlie saw qi qin, shiling, tai ge (hope i spelt the name correctly). Even more surprised to see j1s like yu guang at first, but later realised that the talks're more relevant for those who haven't applied thru ucas. But overall talks still not bad lah. Though most of the info can be found in the prospectuses.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

NTU talk

Book out always rox.

Tekong's reallie a bloody sian place to stay in. So used to the routine way of life there that many ppl're getting sick of it. And with instructors tekaning recruits just becos a few of us laughed at them wearing admin (army grey t-shirt plus black shorts) with boots. We're all made to wear this... cute attire too n do push ups in it. Sian.

First time hearing heat alert last wk, when the weather reallie becomes very very hot. Gd thing: clothes dry faster. Bad thing: end too soon. And on one of the days with heat alert, we all did strength training (dumbbells n med balls) in the multipurpose hall. Wtj, cos the fans can't be switched on! Surprised no one suffered from any heat exhaustion wearing that long foil, or fell out.

Bottomline: army sux.

Hope to join the saf band. Was quite sad when my name isn't called for the music n drama auditions next wk. But later found out that band n music n drama're two diff org residing at the same campsite (nee soon camp! so near to my house!!!). So, gd luck for those going for auditions next wk (jo for instance), n hopefully can go for the band auditions.

Liverpool 1 mu 0, n smith suffered from a broken leg n dislocated ankle. More woes for mu...

A level results likely out next wk. Likely. Hopefully fri, then can enjoy long weekend!

Went for ntu talk at hotel intercontinental just now. Late, so missed half of triple e talk. Quite surprised to see nanyang business sch ranked so high in the region, though it's def more fun watching those prof playing down nus n smu, n even rejecting the stats that smu grads've a higher starting salary than ntu. Lunch rox too. KFC! Nvm.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Ha ha. My 400th entry! :p

Tired of army life....

Nothin' to do, so some personality tests:

1. The real you: a scientific analysis

Jeff, you're an Observer!

This means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more time on your own than most.

You are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.
And that's just scratching the surface!

2. What drives you?

Jeff, your Key Motivator, the thing that really drives you to success in life, is Connection.

Based on your answers about values, past behaviors, and internal priorities, we can tell you are most fulfilled when you're interacting with others. You connect to the world through your connections with people. For this reason, you seek social attention and are apt to join groups and organizations, either formal or informal.

You, more than others, look for ways to belong to a group, to have fun, to care for others, and occasionally, to be the center of attention. You thrive when you see the opportunity to interact with friends, colleagues, and family, and you tend to want to soak up everything you can about people and relationships. Perhaps it's because you recognize that learning about interpersonal dynamics will, in turn, make you a better person — more caring, more empathetic and more honest with yourself.

3. What's behind your emotions?

Jeff, your emotions are triggered by your underlying belief in Dignity

In other words, your commitment to leading a dignified life, and your belief in being respectful, directly affect how, and how often, you experience certain feelings.

For example, your test results indicate that you're most fulfilled when you treat people with the decency all humans deserve. That factor is directly related to your fundamental belief in dignity and the range of emotions it triggers.

Based on your belief in dignity, where do you rank in the emotional landscape? Which of your emotions dominate your life? And how can you learn to control your emotions?

Boro 3 Chelsea 0. HA HA. And still can't figure out why blackburn can't beat a 10 man everton when they can beat mu... sigh.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


An... interesting wk of football in the mid-week. Here're the results:

Aston villa 1 chelsea 1
Portsmouth 1 bolton 1
Liverpool 1 bir 1
Man city 3 newcastle 0
Blackburn 4 man utd 3
Ars 2 West ham 3
Wigan 1 everton 1
Boro 3 sunderland 0
Charlton 0 west brom 0
Fulham 1 tottenham 0

The top 7 teams (chel, mu, liv, tottenham, ars, wigan, bolton) all failed to win. Sian. Wtj. And somehow bentley can scoreda hat trick...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

CNY celebs!

Ha ha. Not a bad cny this yr. Reunion dinner just like any other normal dinner, with just my immediate family (all other relatives overseas), with more dishes though. Great to eat a lot more after 7 days in the jungle. Can't say we all starved during field camp, cos we'd fresh rations on two of the days, n both lunches consisted of western! :p Anw, that also means I din reallie get much hong bao, cos not many places to go bai nian, so reallie slacked at home often during the hols. With the puny 350 allowance each mth, reallie have to save up. But as I dun reallie need to worry much about meals n tpt n accommodation, dun reallie've to worrie too much now.

Oh. And i used my bro's ezlink card yesterday! =D

Class outing yesterday at liming's house. Quite a few ppl went, inc some guys who're about to book in for more training at tekong a few hours later. Was the earliest, n surprisingly, not many who're supposed to reach at 1030 are late. (Prob cos many more ppl came later, n there isn't ws. :p) Made our way to lm's house, where we played cards n chatted 'bout tekong mainly. Pizza, then soccer, then lau yu sheng, then more cards. Guess the most fun thing's playing blackjack n "in between" after lau yu sheng. Din win or lose much during blackjack (betting 10c all the way), but won a little for in between, after getting two rounds of nice cards. Poor jy. Intro us to in between, got an ace and a king, then ended up getting another ace, losing 10 over bucks on paper.

Btw, in between's a card game involving each person taking two cards, then betting (if he or she wants) that the next card'll be something in between. If the next card's of the same card as any of the two cards, the person'll lose double. Oh. If the two cards're the same, person'll bet if the next card's higher or lower. Two times, wj got nice cards, and bet quite a bit, but ended up getting the same card! Not bad. Nvm. Gambling's bad guys. Must control! Can end up losing a lot if u aren't careful...

Dinner later at IMM. A few'd already left by then, before five of us (me, no no, lm, ms, jess) stayed on n chatted after eating. Chatted quite some time about basically everything, till nine plus. Guess everyone just wants the hols to be a little longer! Think my next hol's during the release of a level results, which I heard maybe a little earlier this yr. Would reallie just freak out if it's released next wk. Imagine delaying applying for scholarships till after A levels, cos no time in dec, n def no time in tekong. Suddenly've to settle everything two wks after the release of "a"s.......

Oh. Who already thinking of, or dreading, the results? Guess all, or most, of the ns guys won't; we onlie wanna look forward to the next meal or next book out.

Seriously why does duncan ferguson've to come on n punch someone in the stomach after just ten mins? Brainless.

Take care everyone now!