Once a guy, always a proper guy

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A great wk!!

Haha. A great happie 19th bday to me! :p Finally, after like 13 yrs of education, i finally got to celebrate it on a proper sch day with no exams... Thanks guys for all the lovely notes n prezzies! Reallie made my day! Oh, a happie bday to qiqi too (one day older than me onlie!), and isabel, who turned 20th yesterday! Not fair that we're of the same age for onlie 4 days lor!

In quite a gd mood now, ahead of mu's game against chelsea. Still haven't decided if I should go watch. Quite pleased with yff, n even more delighted with ars's loss against bolton. But the wk isn't over. Hope liverpool n villa thrash their opponents this wed!!

Eh so 1 more wk to ca, 2 more to hols. Jiayou guys! 10 percent weightage + mcqs (onlie 1 short structured qn) can't be equal to a hell lot of stress rite? Though reallie, the amt of stuff to read up's horrible.

Oh, n dun remember skipping any lessons so far. Prob missing one pdcp next tue, since have to leave earlie to go cgh. One hour def isn't enough. Not like it (the pdcp lesson) matters though...

Some felix felicis'd do gd for everyone... next july rox! Potter bk, potter movie, medicamp... should be a fantastic month! For now, back to limbs n bones n bld...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

3 more wks...

To HOLS!! :D:D Got 3 papers to go first, bef the gd long break...

Happie Bday JoHN!! Haha. Gloria n I made a slide show showing his "evolution" from a baby to now, inc all his chs pics that're def... cute. :p Now everyone noes about his previous hairstyle. Eh anyone who wanna soft copy of it can always ask me for it! (dun let john noe k.) Though come to think of it, would rather scrap some of the irrelevant slides bef the photos now. Nvm. Learn from it, so next time can prepare a better one!!

Eh went out with john shawn n bel last fri to vivocity. Lots of jc kids, think they finished their papers then. Great dinner at bk, bef glo n jo came n said hi! Then had a short detour to st james' bef ramming some pucks at the air hockey table, n finally sat at the open-air garden. We took an anat video!! Nvm. Video seems quite silly, but all for a gd laugh!

Just glad mu came from behind n won yesterday at sheffield. Think yc'd enjoyed that game! 9.81 fall down yff rankings...

Oh, n new pbl tutor le. Have to do some small research, though no ppt presentation!!! :D

Monday, November 13, 2006

One of the lamest things to happen in football ever...

"1527: The team news is in and there's a shock for Arsenal fans: keeper Jens Lehmann is absent with a sore throat and is replaced by Manuel Almunia."

Live commentary from bbc.. Wtj.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Back on track?

Not a bad performance this wk, compared to utter b****cks for the past 2 wks. Cheers to drogba though. :P Just hopefully not to slip up any more... Glad mu won though, a great win away to blackburn.

Previous wk's been rather eventful. Great badminton session when my entire pbl grp plus glo irene laura n khai pang came down during the pbl timing. Lots of fun playing with diff ppl. Just hope that I din reallie er piss any one off with the drop shots. I mean, they're damn fun lor! :D

Last session with the present pbl tutor on tue. Got quite a long break bef that, so a few of us went to the seminar rm earlie. Had a er fruitful discussion of pokemon though. Wonder if the tutor saw all the stuff written on the board. Hopefully our new tutor'll be something like him: talk a lot, less research n no presentation on our part. :~) He's a geriatrician btw, the new tutor, and our old tutor din tell us he's head of surgery in sgh!!

Nov now. Time flies. Will hope to have more fun bef ca starts! Grinnz.

Oh, n I left my file behind some day after sch!! Thanks john bel n shawn for spotting and babysitting it for a day!!

Riddle: why u have to brush ur teeth in the morn?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wks getting crazier...

Becoming more n more lame lately... sigh. :P

As usual, pbl session shifted again, so this time my pbl grp (plus glo n ws n khai pang) played BOTH soccer n bball!! Ha ha. Both're fun, though some of us did find the bball too er bouncy after playing soccer on a grass field. So grass soft (unlike those in hc at certain times of the yr), longer time of contact with the ground, lesser force on the ball, grass absorbed more energy from the ball, so ball bounces less! Nvm. Guessed everyone played quite well, though we din reallie exert. Looking forward to badminton this wk!! Anyone free on thur 10 - 12? =D

Then wed we went nuh for some med simulation practical. Basically just viewed how a 250k manikin that can blink n can nearly talk or bite respond to er diff types of shock, n how its vital signs changed from normal to er very very bad using this machine. Then later went for lunch with john ernest isabel n weiting. Had fun making a nice cute smiley face using indian rojak leftovers and the chilli sauce (lips should be red!!). Er was about to add in some rosy cheeks when the cleaner lady. Think we reallie made her day...

Oh, n the days passed by quicker n quicker lately. Sian. Going out with my pegasus friends on th 9th of dec, 1 yr after enlistment. Cool rite!

Hopefully yff wun give me crap this wk again...

(edit) Crap. Whole 15 bucks of rooney just dun do anything for me when i want it, and bolton just led in a goal. Sian. Whatever.