Once a guy, always a proper guy

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Long time no blog... happy cny!

Ha ha. Dun think I've talked much about ns yet. Last two wks've reallie been one of the busiest wks in bmt. Live range n field camp. Passed both smoothly (like one of my former platoon mates' bro said, all saf tests're idiot-proof. He went out of training, n got posted to air force btw). That means, I just needed to maintain a simple 75 percent attendance for the entire bmt in order to pass n got posted to other units, assuming that I've no intentions to go command sch. But reallie, my coy reallie gives lots of welfare, which means those who go command sch may've a very very hard time. Our field camp's enjoyable, cos it's pretty slack compared to others, esp for my platoon. (Other platoons got punished severely for throwing away their unconsumed rations. We din. :p) Was quite gd though, cos I haven't done pt for two wks bef field camp (excuse footwear 14 days), n cny's a gd time to train up. Oh, n one more reason why it's slack: the most xiong sergeant of my platoon got excuse footwear (foot rot) for the entire camp, so we din get to suffer much under him. He still found ways to knock us down though. Not bad.

Oh. One interesting short story that happened during field camp. We're all digging the drainage around each of our basha (tent) in the first camp site. One guy behind me had a tree root blocking him, so he asked the sergeant:

Nigel (that guy's name. He's from chs btw, but went to nj): Sergeant, got a tree root, can help me chop?

Sergeant Clarence (He's also from pegasus before): If i can cut how?

Nigel: If I can cut how? Can I don't be field camp ic? (He's supposed to be the ic the following day.)

Sergeant Clarence (a little pissed le): 20 down now. (push ups)

NIgel: What? 20 chops on the root?

So ended up he did numerous exercises like squat benders, push ups, jumping jacks, with his rifle. Nvm. We're all laughing when he told us all about it in bunk yesterday. More interesting stories from ns coming soon.

Oh. And I'm also the armskote assistant, which means I'm in charged of weapons (drawing n sending) along with a few others. Not a bad job, unless something went missing, like keys. One key went missing for two times already. Quite troublesome lor, esp when some other joker from other platoons was blur. But got privileges too to be an armskote, like no punishment if the whole platoon fall in late (can hide in the arms room).

This morn's breakfast quite sian. Had to keep still on the parade sq for like 40 mins, waiting to get into the cookhouse. When it's our turn, some of us walked, or ran slowly, cos of legs numb. Then some other sergeant from other coy kb us, which's like wtj. My platoon's one of the earliest to wake up n got ready, but had to have breakfast late cos other platoons from pegasus're slow, n we've to go as one company. Most of our commanders already booked out the previous day. Nvm. And what made it worse's that my platoon chose the wrong rows to stand, n ended up being the last to go eat from my company. But think these things just cannot be helped. Can enjoy a long hol, so no complaints over one meal.

Cny coming le. Class outing any one? Me booking in on the 2nd, jo too. But think a few others like yk booking in on the 31st. That means if want to accommodate most of the ns guys, have to arrange some outing like within the next few days. For now, enjoy cny eve, everton vs chelsea, ars vs bolton, n mu vs wolves. My predictions:

Everton 0 chelsea 0. Both teams sux.

Ars vs bolton: Dun give a damn, but think ars should bounce back from their... shocking loss to everton n wigan. (They din lose to wigan btw, but they still got knocked out cos reyes missed that penalty). So, ars 5 bolton 4. Own goals galore at either highbury or reebok stadium.

Mu 5 wolves 0: Mu would def wanna revenge after their loss two seasons ago.

A great cny everyone!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hari Raya!

Ha ha. Totally not fair that those in the adjustment, or confinement, period are allowed to go back during the public hol. No complaints though. Christmas n new yr hols not bad liao.

Can't stand playing cards online. Stupid partners who dun noe what u mean by covering for partner when partner bids nil. Nvm.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

A wonderful 2006 ahead!

Ha ha. Happy new year everyone! Spent my first few mins of the new year in the weirdest way possible: running 3km two times! Wtj. Class outing at pasir ris park, after booking out earlier in the morn yesterday. Great to see everyone being lively n jumpy n happy! :p Just too bad the weather sux. Raining n raining n raining. Nvm. Oh. Me, ws n wj ran from our campsite to the other end of the park to witness some grand countdown, but think we may've arrived slightly late. Din see much, so everyone just gathered n chatted. Hope everyone's enjoyed the outing. And gift exchange this yr ran quite smoothly; no special requests or what-so-ever. Thanks lm for the chocs n air freshener! My tekong cupboard won't stink anymore le.

Going to cut my hair tmr. Dun wanna reallie ka na 1 extra. Sorrie to those who reallie think i've guard duty yesterday. Too bad my entrie's nearly as bad as that on prom day. Most ppl arrived later than I thought. Sigh.

No more public hols on sunday next wk. Nvm. Can still book out!